Tell them I love them but I want them to talk to Me

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 @ 10:00

My dearly beloved daughter, this has been quite an extraordinary journey for you in such a short time. I realise that you are tired now. The speed at which these Messages have been received by you and published in so many languages, so quickly, shows you the urgency they represent. This also shows you the Divine guidance at work in its most perfect format.

These Messages, while full of My Teachings, are really being given to explain the importance of looking after your souls, in this life, while you can. Many people, when they read these Messages, especially those with little belief in God the Eternal Father, will be disturbed by them. Many will be converted. Some will be fearful for their future on this Earth and that of their families and friends.

Please tell them I love them
If by opening their minds first to the fact that God really does Exist, then they will be ready for stage two. That’s when they will begin to wonder why such communication is taking place – why Jesus Christ, the only Son of God the Eternal Father, would take such extraordinary steps – they will come to the obvious conclusion. It is because I love each and every one of you that I want to save you. I want to cherish you all and I must go to the most extraordinary lengths to bring you closer to My Heart.

I want to touch you in your hearts, so that a light will spark in your soul. There is nothing to fear in this world if you will trust in Me completely. I have wonderful plans for all of you who will come closer to My Sacred Heart. The most extraordinary Gifts await you. Have no fear of worldly unrest, for I will protect all those who believe in Me and will provide for your needs of the flesh. Trust in Me, the Lord of Mankind, sent yet again, to salvage you from eternal darkness.

Turn to Me as innocent children
No need to learn prayers if you are ignorant. Yes, they are helpful, but all I Am asking you to do is to speak with Me. In the way you would normally chat to a friend, relax, confide in Me. Ask Me for My help. My Mercy is full and overflowing just waiting to shower you with. If you only knew the Compassion I have for everyone on Earth. Even sinners. My children are My children even when sin stains their souls. I detest the sin but love the sinner.

So many of you are afraid to ask regularly for forgiveness. You must never worry – ever. If you are truly sorry you will be forgiven.

Sin, My children, will be a constant problem. Even My most devout followers sin, and sin over and over again. It is a fact. Once Satan was unleashed, sin became widespread. Many are too ashamed to turn to Me. They lower their heads and turn a blind eye when they have behaved badly. Too proud and embarrassed, they continue on as if it will be forgotten about. What they do not understand is that dark attracts dark. So when you sin once, it is much easier to sin again. By blocking your conscience, the cycle then rotates around and around. Then the sinner will make every excuse to ignore the wrongdoing. They will keep falling further downwards in a spiral. This is because they don’t know how to ask for forgiveness. Because they have not understood the importance of humility, they find it impossible to turn to Me. It is not complicated, you know, to ask Me for forgiveness. Never be fearful of Me. I await each of you who has the courage to condemn your own sins. When you get into this habit, some extraordinary Gifts are given to you. After confessing your sins, you will be in a state of grace. Then when you receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist you will feel a surging energy, which will surprise you. Then and only then will you find true peace.

Nothing will faze you. You will be strong, not only in your soul, – your mind will be calmer and more controlled. You will face life with a different and more positive outlook. Who would not want such a life?

Come back, children, to Me, during these times of sorrow in the world. Let Me show you the joy that is yours when you turn to Me.

Remember, I gave up My Life for you once. My Love knows no bounds. I will answer your call. All you have to do is ask.

Your precious loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Prophecy at Garabandal will now become a reality

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, we have come a long way in such a short time. That was for a reason. For it was all the time needed to impart My Most Holy Word in a world starving of My Love. Still they do not listen, because they do not want to know. While many of My loyal followers are alert now, to the changes coming, so many have no interest whatsoever in the warnings given to the world by My beloved Mother up to now. The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event, for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls.

Please do not fear, My daughter, for I know that these events have made you sad because you are thinking of your children’s future. The Warning will change everything. But it will present a fork in the road. Mankind, when having been woken up to the Truth of the Existence of God, will then, through his own free will, chose one of two paths, the path of salvation, or the path of damnation.

Chastisement will wipe out much of the world
Pray hard that man chooses the first. For if he doesn’t, the world will suffer the most severe chastisement with much of it wiped out. Why would My children wish this? Yet, because of sin, man will sadly choose to ignore My promise and follow the path of the deceiver. I have told you, I will not give you a date for The Warning, for this is known by only a few chosen souls. For if this date were to be made public, people would be tempted to seek redemption out of a sense of false humility. Trust in Me. All will be well, children. You are blessed to be given this wonderful Gift of Revelation. The world will now seem to become quieter and somewhat strange in the coming months leading up to The Warning. For when it happens, spectacular though it will be visually in the sky, so quiet will this mystical experience be, that you will be more prepared for this silent encounter with your own conscience.

Remember, the more people that are forewarned of this event, the more souls will be saved. Pray, pray My Divine Mercy for those souls who will die during The Warning. They need your prayers.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Virgin Mary: June Crusade of Conversion Month

Thursday, May 31st, 2012 @ 21:00

My child every effort is being made by Satan and those souls he has infected to undermine my Son’s Most Holy Word.

Always remember that Satan plants the first seeds of doubts within the hearts of chosen souls.

The worst condemnation will be poured upon these Holy Messages by those who are intimately united to my Precious Son.

When Satan does this he wins souls.

Do not let him do this My child. Walk away and do not engage with him.

My Son never defended His Holy Word nor should you succumb to this temptation.

The scale of satanic influence is growing and spreading throughout the world.

My poor children suffer so and I weep tears of sorrow when I see their dismay and sorrow.

Pray, my children for peace at this time so that God’s children everywhere will turn to my Son for strength.

Only divine intervention, given through the graces provided through your prayers, can ease your pain and suffering.

My Son yearns for souls to turn to Him for only He can give them the comfort they need. Nothing else will provide relief from the torment you now endure.

I urge you children to dedicate the month of June to the conversion of mankind and to ensure that they will seek salvation.

Call this month the Crusade of Conversion month and pray as one through prayer groups throughout the world.

Here is the Crusade Prayer for the Crusade of Conversion

Crusade Prayer (58) Crusade of Conversion Prayer

O dear Jesus I call on you to embrace
all God’s children and cover them with
Your Precious Blood
Let each drop of Your Blood cover
every soul to shield them from the evil one

Open the hearts of all especially hardened souls
and those who know You, but who are stained with
The sin of pride, to fall down and beg for the light of
Your Love to flood their souls

Open their eyes to see the Truth so that the dawn
of Your Divine Mercy will shower down upon them so they
are covered with the Rays of Your Mercy.

Convert all souls through the graces I ask you for
now Dear Jesus (personal intention here)

I beg you for Mercy and offer you this gift of fasting for one day
Every week for this month of June in atonement for all sins.


Children you must fast for one day each week in the month of June.

You must recite My Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily.

Doing this children you will save the souls of millions through the Mercy of My Son Jesus Christ.

Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

God is not boastful. God is not proud. God is gentle, loving and yet firm in His instruction to humanity

Friday, May 31st, 2013 @ 16:40

My dearly beloved daughter, the way in which I show Myself to God’s children on this Earth is through only one source and that is the Holy Spirit. I cannot make Myself known to them through any other way.

Without the Presence of the Holy Spirit My Voice cannot be heard. So when the Holy Spirit descends on a chosen soul My Voice can be made known. But be aware.  The Holy Spirit can only reside in souls who listen and simply communicate what is given to them.

The Holy Spirit may inspire people to speak the Word of God, but such souls cannot deviate from this. Anyone who writes, communicates, speaks and says that he represents the Word of God, given to him by the Power of the Holy Spirit, must never give his own interpretation of My Most Holy Word.

Anyone who proclaims the Word of God and who has been empowered by the Holy Spirit will never boast of this fact. They will never condemn another in My Name, speak ill of others or slander them. When you see this happening you will know that the Holy Spirit is not present.

So many false prophets shout at the top of their voices, boasting of the fact that they have been given the Gift of the Holy Spirit, but this is a lie. Know the liar when he says he is knowledgeable, has a great education in theology – and therefore knows more about Me than others – and then claims to have been given the authority to condemn others, who say they speak in My Name. This arrogance could never come from God.

God is not boastful. God is not proud. God is gentle, loving and yet firm in His Instruction to humanity. He would never give permission to any genuine prophet, true disciple or holy servant to hurt or insult another in My Name.

Beware of the false prophets who do not have the Gift of the Holy Spirit, for they will lead you astray. They will lead you in the opposite direction to the path I have chosen for each of you.

Your Jesus

My Love never wilts; never falters; never dies. No matter what you have done

Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 08:20

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love blazes like a furnace for every single one of you. It has been inflamed to an even greater extent because of the wicked influence, which has been inflicted upon humanity. Every kind of deceit clouds souls at this time in history, because of the influence of the devil in the world, as the final battle for souls continues. 

Every man, woman and child over the age of seven years will struggle to differentiate between right and wrong. Many will condone wicked acts and say that they are justified in doing so. Those who acknowledge, as being good, the evil words, deeds and actions, planted within their hearts by the deceiver, will feel no remorse.

Every soul, irrespective of their creed, race, colour or circumstances, will wander about in confusion as to what is right in the Eyes of God and what is declared to be wrong. And, while the masses, in error, will applaud sin in every guise, not one shred of contentment will those who betray Me have in their souls. Those who do not deviate from the Truth of all that comes from Me will be demonized. But when they spend time in My Company, they won’t care, because I will instil within them an inner peace, which will not be shaken.

I promise all of you, including those who are weak and who succumb to the lies planted within you by Satan, that I will never give up on you. I will draw on you; fill you with My Love, whenever you allow Me to pull you towards Me. My Love never wilts; never falters; never dies. No matter what you have done. But, be aware, it is your soul, which is the ultimate prize and the evil one will never relent in his quest to win you over. 

My Love is so powerful that even when you betray Me I will, within your conscience, ensure that you are aware of your error. This is why you will feel a sense of loss for when what you have done in the name of justice, which you know in your heart is wrong – you will feel nothing but sorrow. It is then that you must call out to Me, your Jesus, with this Prayer to help you in your hour of helplessness.

Crusade Prayer (152) Help me in my hour of helplessness

Dear Jesus, help me in my hour of helplessness.

Free me from sin and open my eyes, my heart and my soul to the deceit of the devil and his wicked ways. 

Fill me with Your Love when I feel hatred in my heart.

Fill me with Your Peace when I feel grief.

Fill me with Your Strength when I am weak.

Save me from the prison within which I find myself, so that I can be free and be held safely in Your Sacred Arms. Amen.

My Love is eternal. Your soul is eternal. My Kingdom is eternal and so is the Kingdom of the evil one.

When you are guilty of terrible sin, you must fight every single second to remove yourself from danger and strive to remain true to Me at all times. The easiest way to do this is to love one another as I love you. Anything that removes you from love for one another does not come from Me.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father

Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 16:20

My dear child, I wish to call upon parents of children and young people, all over the world, to consecrate them to my Immaculate Heart. 

My Precious Son, Jesus Christ, desires that I do this, as He will cover them with His Precious Blood and so keep them safe. He wants you, dear children, to do this because He will grant great Graces upon them. This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He promises great Graces and those children who are presented to me will be protected from the influence of the spirit of evil. 

My Son will do all that is required to unite all families in His New Paradise and by consecrating your children to me, the Mother of Salvation, great Protection will be given to every family whose children’s names are offered to me.

My love for God’s children is very special, for I am the Mother of all God’s children. It will be through me, the Mother of Salvation, that souls consecrated to me, will be saved through the Mercy of my Son. These souls will not be tempted by the deceit, which will be presented to the world by the antichrist.

You must recite this Prayer once a week, before an image of me, your beloved Mother, and bless yourself with Holy Water before you recite it. 

Crusade Prayer (153) The Gift of Protection for children:

O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation,

I ask that you consecrate the souls of these children (List them here…) and present them to your beloved Son. 

Pray that Jesus will, through the Power of His Precious Blood, cover and protect these little souls with every kind of protection from evil.

I ask you, dear Mother, to protect my family in times of great difficulties and that your Son will look favourably upon my request to unite my family in one with Christ and grant us Eternal Salvation. Amen.

Go and be thankful for the Love that God has for His children. Great Mercy and Blessings will be accorded to every child and young person whose name you present to me for consecration to my Son.

Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation