Virgin Mary I revealed these atrocities to the little children Melanie and Maximin at La Salette

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 @ 11:00

My child it is important that all those who love my Son pray for the graces of strength and perseverance at this time.

The knowledge being revealed to you children through these messages is to help you prepare.

Never feel you, as God’s army, will not be able to withstand the evil regime about to show itself in the world shortly.

Always remember the power of My Holy Rosary.

Always remember the power of My Father is the greatest power of all.

No power is so strong that it can defeat the most Glorious Power of God.

When you are a true child of God, when you come to the Father through my Son, you will be protected.

Fear is caused by the unknown but it can also be caused when the Truth is revealed.

Allow the graces which are being given to you through the Crusade Prayers to give you the peace of mind and strength of soul to march for the salvation of souls.

The more souls who are converted to the love of my Son, the stronger will your Crusade be.

Love one another and join in prayer to help save God’s children from the antichrist.

Pray, pray, pray that every soul will be brave enough to reject his poisonous mark.

I have revealed these atrocities to the little children Melanie and Maximin at La Salette so long ago. The time for these prophecies to unfold is soon.

These children were told of the evil plans and accepted what I told them. Now you, children, must accept that these events must take place.

You must pray hard to dilute and mitigate much of the pain which will have to be endured by humanity.

Be brave children.

Trust in my Son and allow Him the freedom to guide you as He must so that souls can be saved from the clutches of the beast.

Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Jesus: Never falter. Never doubt My Hand of Protection.

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 @ 21:00

My dearly beloved daughter when My followers allow Me to flood their souls with My unconditional love I will ignite within them a strength that will startle them.

Come to Me like trusting children with a simple and open heart, with no expectations, and I will bring you a peace which you will not find anywhere else.

While I weep at the way in which evil and greed have gripped the world I am also full of joy because of the pure love My followers show to Me, their Jesus.

How they bring Me solace, comfort and how I wish I could wrap them in My Arms.

How I wish they could hear Me tell them how much I love them.

How I long for the day when I reach out My hand, grasp their hand in Mine and draw them into My New Kingdom when they will come home to Me at last.

That day is not far away.

To all My followers you must listen to Me at this time.

You must be strong and persevere during the trials ahead and never lose heart.

Walking along the path, carved out for you towards My Kingdom, will hurt you. Many of you will trip and stumble.

Some of you will run back the way you came.

Others will sit down, give up and remain stuck between the beginning of their journey and the gates to Eternal Life. So weak will their faith become because of the obstacles they will face.

The stronger ones will be fearless. They will want to forge ahead and charge with every ounce of energy into the New Era of Peace.

Nothing will stand in their way. They will know how to withstand the sufferings ahead. They will know how to fight the enemy. With little fear in their hearts they will listen to every instruction given to them by Me.

They must always strive to go back and carry those who are weaker. Those who are fearful. They must carry on their shoulders those who lack the will and the courage to stand up in My Name.

Those who refuse your help will be left behind and will become part of the Kingdom of the Beast from which there is no escape.

Never falter, Never doubt My Hand of Protection.

If you submit everything to My Holy Will I will look after everything.

Trust in Me. Follow Me.

The time is short yet the time is plentiful in which to prepare for the battle which lies ahead.

I love all of you. Never  forget the power of My Love.

Your beloved Saviour
King of Salvation
Jesus Christ

I Am Present in the Most Holy Eucharist through the Act of Transubstantiation

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 @ 22:15

My dearly beloved daughter, I must remind all of God’s children of the Truth of My Promise to give humanity the Gift of the Holy Eucharist.

I must remind you of the Power of the Most Holy Eucharist and of the fact that it is I, your beloved Jesus, Who is truly Present. I gave up My Body to save you from eternal damnation. I gave you My Body so that I could remain within your souls.

I Am Present in the Most Holy Eucharist through the Act of Transubstantiation. I explained this very clearly to My apostles at the Last Supper. So why do so many of you not accept this great Gift given to you at a great cost. This is My Gift to you. My Body and Blood will strengthen your soul. My Divine Presence sustains your soul and provides all those who accept My Holy Eucharist with a special Grace, which will bring you closer to Me.

When you keep Me company during Eucharist Adoration, I will pour out the greatest Gifts over you. Soon you will find it difficult to pull away from Me and I will become closer to you. Your heart will become entwined with My Sacred Heart.

You must never forget the Power of My Holy Eucharist, for it retains the Light of My Presence in the world. Without My True Presence in the Holy Eucharist, you would be lost and you would be unable to remain in a state of Grace.

When you are deprived of My Body, you will begin to feel empty. You will be separated from Me and while you may still love Me, you will struggle to stay in union with Me.

Your Jesus