Message from the Virgin Mary regarding her lost children

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 @ 14:45

My child, these last few days have not been easy. When you obey my Son, that is all that matters. Please do not allow doubts or fears to come into your heart at this stage, for when they do it is because the deceiver is at work.

Open your heart to allow the graces to flood your soul so that you can become closer to my Precious Son. You are now close to your Blessed Mother, who supports you and guides you at all times. This part of your Mission is hard to deal with, but remember that working for my Son is never easy. You will become stronger, despite your hesitancy, because you still follow His instructions, so this is good. Pray now for all my lost children everywhere, for they are empty of love, the real love that my Son offers them. This love is their salvation. So please offer up all your prayers for these poor, lost souls.

Go now in peace and continue to do everything my Son asks of you, at all times.

Your Blessed Mother
Mary Queen of Heaven

Message to priests, Bishops and Cardinals about false prophet

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 @ 15:50

My dearly beloved daughter, you have suffered because the deceiver is tormenting you. You must pray hard to resist his attacks on you. Place all your trust in Me and then let Me deal with these. Instead, you are getting upset, when you must offer this suffering to Me with joy in your heart. If you keep reminding yourself that it is because you are in union with Me that these sufferings come about and that you are truly blessed as a chosen soul, then you will feel differently.

Many of My followers are now beginning to realise what is happening in the world and through the graces of the Holy Spirit they are rising to the challenge of defending My Word. This army of the faithful will become stronger now and will fearlessly lead sinners towards salvation.

My Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, needs your prayers. Pray for him daily for he needs protection on every level to take him through the torment that lies ahead. It is important that My followers keep alert to any new pope that may come forward for he will not be from God. Please urge all My sacred servants to prepare for the terrible challenges, the most daunting they will ever have to face in their ministry. It will take great courage to stand up to the Truth of My Teachings. So many of My sacred servants are blind to the promises I made, when I said I would come again. When did they think this would be? So used are they to reciting My Teachings that they have forgotten that they may witness these events at any time and, perhaps, even in their own lifetime. For this is one of the greatest challenges today.

If I sent prophets into the world thousands of years ago, then of course, I will send them again in the period to prepare the world for when I will come again.

Wake up to the lessons you teach your congregation. Realise that it is I who speaks to you now. Many will come in My Name, but few will speak the Truth. This Message comes from Me, your Divine Saviour. Pray for the discernment to recognise My True Voice when it is given to you. Open your hearts now and listen to what I have to tell you. The time has come, to inform you, that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are about to unfold before your eyes.

You, My beloved servants, must fight with bravery, through your love for Me, against the obstacles placed by the deceiver that will challenge you to the end of your endurance. You must acknowledge that the false prophet is about to seduce you. Charm you. Convince you that he represents the Truth. You must now show your allegiance to Me, and My Eternal Father. Please do not despair. For although these events will frighten you and disturb you, your allegiance and loyalty must be to Me.

For the first time in your ministry, your faith will be truly tested now. The Church of Peter is My Church. But when the Keys are handed back to God the Father, which they will be now, the Church becomes part of My Kingdom. I Am the Truth. Follow the Truth at all times.

Pray to Me now, for the graces required to ensure you will rise above the deceit of Satan in time. Otherwise the false prophet will ensnare My beloved children through his charismatic, charmful ways, the ways of the deceiver, with whom he is entangled. Satan will not win over My Church if My servants are alert to the deceit and see it for what it is. A diabolical lie, from which, if you become involved and swear allegiance to this new abomination, there will be no return!

Hear Me now. Turn to Me for guidance and the special graces required to lead My flock back to Me and My Heavenly Father. For when you do, I will bestow such graces that it will not be long before you will find the strength to defend My Word, at all costs.

I love you all and yearn for your support during these end times.
Jesus Christ

600,000 fallen angels were released last year from the pits of Hell. A further 5 million have now been released

Thursday, June 7th, 2012 @ 20:00

My dearly beloved daughter it is time to take up arms in the Heavenly battle which rages again with Satan and his fallen angels.

Now unleashed in every nation Satan’s army of angels and their devoted disciples on earth are infesting God’s children in every way.

There are the visual signs. The crisis in My Church, the Catholic Church, was created through the forces of evil whose number one goal was to bring it to its knees. Not content with this, the forces of evil want to destroy the Holy Eucharist by defiling it.

By demoralising My Church on earth the plan by Satan was to destroy the faith of My followers.

Many of My followers no longer pay homage to Me, their Saviour, because they blame the sins of those who represent Me in the Church. How this wounds Me when they forsake Me so quickly.

The apostasy in the world today was also planned by Satan by tempting God’s children to deny their Faith.

Instead he uses a new religion often known as the New Age Religion. Instead of glorifying God, the Eternal Father, they glorify the human being as spiritually superior and in command.

Like Lucifer who wanted to be not only like God, but who wanted to become God, this rapidly evolving cult wants to convince God’s children that they are in control of their own destiny, that all can be controlled through a false belief in a metaphysical world which does not exist.

Belief in false Gods such as the Buddha has harmed so many people and led them into a dark world, which seems to glitter on first inspection, but which fails to ignite pure love for one another.

Instead all these New Age religions amount to one thing, self-obsession and love of one self at the expense of another.

The wars, which Satan’s masonic orders create, are becoming plentiful and the largest group of all will mastermind control of the Middle East through massacre.

In Europe they will mastermind the introduction of a new one world currency to make slaves of them.

Satan’s grip is so strong that it will take much prayer to topple the power he wields. Then there will be the temptation to turn God’s children away from the Truth.

He, Satan, can play havoc with your mind. But, while he does not have the power to know what you think he can place thoughts and doubts in your mind.

When you resist at first, by praying for the graces to protect yourselves, he increases his activities.

Satan sends his demon angels to believers and torments them. If you could see them it would shock you. Two or three can surround you and can trip you up, cause you to become confused, distressed and your mind filled with uncharitable thoughts against another person.

Anything to do with God, His Churches, His children and those who represent Him on earth are the first targets.

Then he targets those in high places who have control over the lives of millions. He tempts them with corruption, manipulation of power and the introduction of bad laws designed to cause pain and hardship. And then he orchestrates war.

Children do not ignore the battle for it is real.

600,000 fallen angels were released last year from the pits of Hell.

A further 5 million have now been released. The time for God’s army in Heaven, to destroy Satan, has begun. The time for My Army on earth to gather arms has also begun.

Time is short. We have much work to do.

Prayer is the weapon. Conversion is the goal. I can only achieve the salvation of souls if My Voice is heard at this time.

Satan knows this. He has placed a curse over this Mission and will pull many of God’s children away. Yet he cannot win. For no one can stop the Book of Truth being revealed for it is I, Jesus Christ, who does this.

Yet many poor souls will be convinced to look the other way as I announce the Truth for all the world to see as foretold in the Book of Revelation.

Never allow him to engage with you. You can do this by refusing to engage in insults or sneering by others when you proclaim My Holy Word.  For to engage with him you give him the ammunition he needs to wear you down.

Your Beloved Jesus
Saviour of all mankind

I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the sceptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming

Friday, June 7th, 2013 @ 23:45

My dearly beloved daughter, all of those who know the Truth and who accept the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book, must accept that He has granted the world the greatest Mercy.

Now that the time draws closer for My Second Coming, those who recognize My Voice and who listen to Me, must devote their time to ensure that they spread My Word and pray for the salvation of all their brothers and sisters.

My beloved disciples, My Graces are being poured over you and you must remain confident when helping others to prepare for My Second Coming. Even when they scream obscenities at you, you must remain calm. This Mission will be the most vilified since My Crucifixion, but know that it is the Mission which will save billions of souls. 

This is My time. It is the time allocated to Me by My beloved Father, as agreed. It is the time for My Reign when the New Heaven and the New Earth will merge as one. Just as My Father’s Will is done in Heaven, so too will it be done on Earth. All will become one. Hatred, suffering and the power of evil will cease. Every effort you make now to salvage your own souls and your prayers to save others will be worth it, no matter how difficult it is. Let them roar at you, scourge you, abuse you, call you liars and treat you cruelly. The more you will suffer, the more souls you will bring to Me.

I have carved out this path and it is guarded by all of the angels in Heaven. Every evil spirit will cause disruption, create obstacles and try to stop you walking towards Me, but it will be useless. They cannot stop Me reaching out to you or drawing you closer. There will be billions of you. Those who refuse to prepare now will do so in time. You must not allow them to slow you down, for time is short.

Every one of you in My Remnant Army will be given special Graces and I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the sceptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming.

Your Jesus

The faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth – the antichrist

Saturday, June 7th, 2014 @ 20:00

My dearly beloved daughter, the Spirit of Truth, which prevails through My Church on Earth, must be sustained, nurtured and upheld, by those holy servants of Mine to whom I entrusted the care of all of God’s children.

The priests in My Church will soon face challenges, which will mean that many will find it very difficult to uphold My Word. Everything that is not of Me will be presented to them by the traitors among them.

How I yearn to bring them comfort and how I will do all in My Power to fill their souls with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. I will do this so they will remain alert, calm and in no doubt, when they are asked to participate in doctrine, which will not be of Me. They must, as guardians of My Word, be prepared to remain loyal to Me. But they will be persuaded to pursue a new interpretation of My Word and this will lead to grave error. Should they lead innocent souls and those who are devoted to Me into error and into committing blasphemy, they will be guilty of embracing the doctrines of Hell. For that, they will know what it is like to feel the Wrath of My Father.

The priests who are Mine will need to renew their vows of love, charity and chastity, if they are to remain in a State of Grace, in order to serve Me as they have committed to do in My Name. Sadly, the power of evil, which will prevail against them, will be such that many will find the pressure exerted on them just too difficult to withstand. Others will embrace the new doctrine and they will become part of the soon-to-be-declared new one world priesthood – where they will no longer serve the Triune God. They will then lead many souls into apostasy. Only a few will remain faithful to Me and they will comfort those Christians who will never deviate from the Truth. The ones who betray Me will themselves be the victims of the antichrist and his army, who will persecute them in ways, which will mean that unless they make a pact with the beast, they will be discarded like criminals and be accused of crimes akin to treason.

The faithful will comfort each other and by My Grace they will be given the Gifts from God, needed to protect themselves against persecution, including the Seal of the Living God, which will enable them to overcome the opposition they will face when Christianity will be brutalized. Those who are for Me and in Me will feel great courage in their hearts, for they will be able to discern the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of evil. And all during this time, the faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth – the antichrist. He will seduce them and draw them into a great web of deceit and despair. His influence over them will be like a great darkness, which will descend over them and extinguish the Light of their souls and many will, after that, sell their souls to Satan.

All of these events sound as if there will be a great noise, like the clapping of thunder, but it is not how the beast will operate. No, his mission will be seen as a great evangelization of the world, which will manifest in many ways. It will be seen to be so appealing, that it will not only be those sacred servants, the luminaries of God, chosen to lead His people on Earth into holiness, who will fall victim to the deceit. The enemies of God will also embrace the new evangelical movement, which will be announced in stages and not with great fanfare, for that would only create too many questions. 

New legislations will be introduced which will be seen to improve the lives of the world’s poor. Then the unification of countries will be created through their banks, businesses, alliances as comrades in the event of future wars, politics and finally, religion. The steps have already begun and the plan has been coordinated for over seven years and in great detail.

All I ask of you is to remain alert and to pray for all My priests, so that they will retain the Graces, which I bestow upon them in order to serve Me and so that they can retain the True Faith.

Only the Truth is everlasting.

Only the Truth of My Word will sustain life – life of the soul, as well as the life of this Earth.

Lies, presented as the Truth, come from Satan, who is doomed for eternity. Those who follow him, adapt his ways and become his servants, will plunge into darkness and place themselves in grave danger.

Only the Truth will save you. I Am the Truth. Follow only Me, for nothing else can bring you love, peace, eternal joy or happiness. Only by following Me and My Holy Word – as I gave it to the world, where it has not been tampered with – can you be saved.

Your Jesus