The False Prophet will not only take over the Catholic Church he will dictate over all Christian Churches .

Sunday, June 10th, 2012 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter I call on all My followers to show courage at this time.

This is not the time to fall down and weep. It is the time to fight for your salvation.

I call on all Christian Churches, My clergy and all those who have devoted their lives to Me, their Jesus, to hear My pleas.

Never forsake the truth of My teachings.

Never forsake Me.

Never forsake My Church. For I am the Church.

Never forsake My Body, for I am the Bread of life.

Never accept the lies, soon to be implanted among you, to displace My Church on earth.

It is time to prepare.

Soon you will be made to swallow a new religion which will be manmade.

Soon  you will be force fed what will seem like the Holy Eucharist but it will not be My Body.

It will become empty, barren and will yield no real life.

The only Holy Eucharist that exists is the way in which My Presence is made known in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it is now.

Never deviate from this even if you are forced to do so by the heathen who will take over My Christian Churches.

They will desecrate My Churches and turn them into nothing more than places of entertainment and social outlets.

You must always follow the steps I taught My Apostles at the Last Supper.

Now you must ensure that all is in place before the attack begins.

For soon you will find it impossible to follow a false doctrine imposed on you by the abomination that lies ahead.

The False Prophet will not only take over the Catholic Church he will dictate over all Christian Churches which he will merge as one.

But it will not be I, Jesus Christ that the New Temple will be built upon. It will be a temple, to replace the Holy See, to honour the beast.

Heed now My words for you will soon see the Truth.

To those brave enough to stand up to this persecution of your faith you must plan now.

To those who do not have the strength to fight the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet drop down on your knees now and beg Me to help you.

I will guide you through My new leaders who will spring up among you led by My Two Witnesses.

Enoch and Elijah, present in My Christian Churches on earth and the House of Israel, will influence the preaching’s of the Gospels all over the world soon.

Nothing will stop the teaching of the Truth.

This time will be difficult but rise and follow My Army on earth and more souls will be saved. Do not forsake the flock that I have given over to you to lead.

Fear not because only by following My Path to Eternal Life can you be saved.

Follow the path of the False Prophet and not only will you become lost to Me but you will lead innocent souls towards the pathway to Hell.

Be brave My sacred servants.

Accept that the time for My return is imminent. You do not have time to waste.

Your Jesus

You must not be frightened, for what I Promise is yours and it is your Inheritance

Monday, June 10th, 2013 @ 23:00

My dearly beloved daughter, the world must be told that My Time to return is close. My Time has already begun, as I strive to turn humanity towards Me, before My Great Day.

I Am preparing all of you at this time, although many will turn a deaf ear. I do this with love, for every single one of you for whom I love, for every single one of you for whom I gave up My Body. You are going to witness My Intervention, when I will open the eyes of humanity and which will be clearly witnessed.

Miracles will take place when My Mission is accepted. My Presence will be felt and I will make Myself known through Acts of Great Mercy. This plan is to entice you back, to turn those of you who no longer believe that I Exist, towards My Glorious Salvation.

I Am the King, Who will Reign over the New Paradise promised to Me by My Father. To those who do not know Me, hear Me now. You are Mine. I bring you LIfe, not as you know it on this Earth, but Eternal Life.

You must not be frightened, for what I promise is yours and it is your Inheritance.

This Kingdom is what you were born for, so that God, My beloved Father, could re-create the world, as it was in the beginning. He is the Beginning, for He created it. He is the End, for when the Great Day comes there will be no more suffering, for the New Beginning – Eternal Life – will be presented to those who accept God’s Love. You must become more trusting, less cynical and accept the Great Gift of Life, which can only come from a perfect God.

Only God could create such a miracle – the Gift of Life.

Only God can give you Eternal Life, where death will be conquered, and with it all evil.

You must look to the future with anticipation. You must try to listen to these Messages, for they will be the lifeline you will need, as the days ahead will become darker.

It is My Desire that none of you should fret, feel worried, frightened and sad, for My Glorious Day will mean that I will wipe every tear, pain, sadness and suffering from you and cleanse you with My Great Glory.

You will experience pure everlasting happiness, at last. Everything you ever imagined to be a state of Heaven, will be yours.

If you cannot respond to Me now, because of a lack of trust, I will help you if you call on Me. Ask Me for the Gift of Trust through this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (109) for the Gift of Trust

O my dearest Jesus,

Help me to trust You.

To trust in Your Promise to come again.

To accept the Truth of Your Second Coming.

To trust in the Promise of God the Father when He said He would give You Your Kingdom. 

Help me to trust in Your Teachings, in

Your Plan to save the world.

Help me to accept, with Grace, Your Gifts.

Help me to trust in You, so that I lose my fear and so that I can allow Your Love to flood my heart and soul.


Oh, how I yearn to comfort you, ease your fears, worries and concerns. How I desire to make the transition as painless as possible, so that you won’t have to suffer by the hand of the beast, whose work will be seen through the enemies of God.

If you trust in Me completely and surrender yourself to My Mercy, I solemnly promise that My Mercy will shorten the time when human suffering will escalate because of the wickedness of those who want to cause your suffering. 

I pledge that My Intervention, through miracles, will awaken those most in need of help – an awareness of the Truth. When the Truth of God, is accepted by those who do not really understand My Promise to come again, but who accept it, within their hearts, then suffering will be reduced and I will show Mercy to billions of souls.

Your trust in Me, however, will help you to see the Truth. When you accept the Truth, you accept the Keys to My New Kingdom.

Your Jesus

Without My Light there is nothing but darkness of the soul. No peace. No love. No hope. No Life.

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 @ 12:05

My dearly beloved daughter, people may ask why is it important that the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass be retained at all costs? The Mass is the focal point of My Presence – My True Presence in the world. My Presence brings both Life and Light. It will bring Life to the soul and fill it with a unique Grace. It will bring with it Light – My Light  – which is more powerful than the sun. A glimmer of My Light is enough to light up a room that is in darkness. As long as My Holy Eucharist is held in great glory upon the altars of My Churches, there will be life. Without it there will be darkness. When I Am not Present, there is no Light. Without My Light there is nothing but darkness of the soul. No peace. No love. No hope. No Life. 

Whatever new rules will be forced upon you in the name of evangelization and modernity, in My Name, know that if My Eucharist is no longer revered, as It should be and as It was meant to be, you can be sure that it will not be long before It will disappear altogether. On the day that this happens there will be a darkness, which will descend upon the Earth. You will not see it, but you will feel it in the cold hearts of men, for by then humanity will have changed. Once My Presence diminishes, the gates of Hell will be opened and the antichrist will take My Place in My Church. It will be he who is not of Me, who will sit on the throne that is rightfully Mine. And it will be before him that My Church will lie prostrate at his feet. That will be the greatest betrayal of Me, your Jesus, since Judas handed Me over to My enemies to be crucified.

It is My Church, which will be persecuted first and those who are weak of faith will pay homage to the beast. It will be those men who will claim to represent My Church – who will crucify Me, once more. When the imposter declares that he is Me, the hours will begin to tick and then with a deafening sound of the skies parting and the peal of thunder, My Return will be made known. The world will then understand the Truth of My Promise to Return to reclaim My Kingdom, finally, and to bring unity to My Church, My True Church – those who remained loyal to Me, through all the trials and tribulations.

Nothing can prevail against My Church, for under My Leadership and direction It will remain impenetrable against the beast and all those traitors who will have betrayed Me for their own gain.

Hear now My Promise. All that I told you would happen will happen. All that I promised you will be fulfilled. All that is Mine is yours. You all belong to Me. Cling to Me for dear life, for without My Protection, you will fall into error and that would break My Heart. Never forsake Me, for he who hates you. I will never forsake you, because I love you too much. I pull you towards Me and still you withdraw. Why? What are you fearful of? Don’t you know you are of Me and that this is a natural birthright? Lean on Me, My beloved followers, for soon you will feel lost and will not know where to turn. And I will be waiting, to bring you My Love and offer you comfort.

Come. Do not fear Me. I come only with love to bring you My Peace.

My Light brings you sight.

My Love brings you hope.

My Heart brings you comfort.

My Hands heal you.

My Eyes see you.

My Wounds draw you.

My Body feeds you.

My Pain is yours.

Your pain is Mine.

My Mercy will save you.

My Word is your path to My Kingdom.

Your Jesus