My followers must show courage to prepare others for The Warning

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011 @ 19:00

My beloved daughter, much work needs to be done by My followers to tell people what they must expect during The Warning.

Give them details in advance so that when they see the red sky flare up, a reflection of My Great Mercy, they will know that there is nothing to fear. Instead, they must rejoice, for here at last, for many of My children around the world, will be the proof they have been seeking all their lives.

Great rejoicing amongst My children is what I yearn for, not tears of sadness. When you see My Cross you will all know then the Passion of My Love for all of you.

Many will weep tears of great joy, for they will know I have come to flood their souls with the grace of redemption. For others who don’t know Me, they will be frightened, for then the true realization of the graveness of their sins will become apparent.

Followers of mine everywhere, I call on you to show great courage by telling My children that they must not fear when they witness this Divine, spectacular display of My great Mercy for mankind. Bring them back into My fold by preparing them. If they will not listen, pray for them.

Your Eternal Saviour and Redeemer of Mankind
Jesus Christ

You must never worship any other god, but the Triune God

Saturday, June 14th, 2014 @ 12:40

My dearly beloved daughter, there is only one God – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – all distinct Persons in One. There are not three separate units, for We are One – God the Father, Creator of All; God the Son, as He manifested to live amongst you and God the Holy Spirit, given to humanity as the Gift by which the Truth fills your hearts with knowledge, new life and the Power of My Love.

When you come to Me, you come to My Father. When the Holy Spirit calls you, It comes from the Father. All comes from God. You must never worship any other god, but the Triune God. But, know this. To know the Father, you must acknowledge God the Son, for without Me, Jesus Christ, you cannot know the Father. 

God loves all of His children, but His children do not love Him as they should. That is okay, because through Me they will become part of My New Kingdom on Earth. Then there are those who follow the evil one and who, knowingly, give him the gift of their free will. It is then that they have no longer control over their actions, for the evil spirits within them use them in order to recruit other vulnerable souls. These souls do not worship God – instead they worship Satan. I plead with you to help Me save these poor unfortunate souls, for they cannot save their own souls through their free choice any more. I desire that, through your prayers, you beg for the relief of souls in captivity, so that they will come back to Me. 

Crusade Prayer (157) For souls in captivity:

O dear Jesus, release those souls who are slaves to false gods and Satan. Help us through our prayers to bring them relief from the pain of possession. 

Open the gates of their prison and show them the path to the Kingdom of God, before they are taken hostage by Satan into the abyss of Hell. 

We beg You, Jesus, to cover these souls with the Power of the Holy Spirit, so they will seek out the Truth and help them to find the courage to turn their backs on the snares and wickedness of the devil. Amen.

The problem encountered by souls, who adore false gods, is that they leave themselves open to the spirit of evil, which needs only a tiny fraction of their free will in order to infest them. False gods lead souls into terrible danger. The biggest danger facing them is that they believe that such practices are normal, healthy for their spirit and a means by which to find peace and calm in their lives. All they will find is pain and sorrow. 

Be warned of the dangers of following the occult and new age practices, for they are not of Me. It is only by following Me, Jesus Christ, that you can have Eternal Life. The opposite to life is death. Death of the body does not mean the end of your existence. Your existence is for eternity. Eternal Life comes only through Me. Eternal death comes from Satan.

Your Jesus

God does not expect you to spend your time ignoring day-to-day matters or the time you spend with family and friends

Friday, June 14th, 2013 @ 23:50

My dearly beloved daughter, when a man begins to believe in his invincibility, he is lost.

So many people, who do not accept that life on Earth is but just a small part of their spiritual journey towards My Kingdom, are wasting so much precious time. The time I refer to is that given to you by God, in which you must live according to His Commandments, if you are to achieve Eternal Life. If you do not accept God, then you cut yourself away from Him. When you do that, your life will be cut short, and so instead of the Gift of Eternal Life, your life will end when you die in this one. You must not waste the time given to you in this life by spending it chasing useless things, which will be but dust, in time.

God does not expect you to spend your time ignoring day-to-day matters or the time you spend with family and friends. It does not mean, if you enjoy the fruits of life on Earth, that you cannot adhere to the ways of the Lord. You can.

My daughter, I wish to make it known that there is much confusion as to My wishes for humanity when I desire them to follow My Teachings.

Laughter is good. Companionship is important. Enjoying a fulfilling life is good, once you show humility and praise for God and then offer thanks even for the smallest of pleasures. Any Gifts you receive in this life, for the good of others, can only come from God. How you use these Gifts will be important in the salvation of your soul, when the Gifts provided by God are shared with others. Some are given great talents, but all souls are born with Gifts. They are meant to help you to help others. Those born with a talent for business, have an obligation to ensure that this is put to good use, for the benefit of others. Others will use their Gifts to care for their neighbour and to bring joy into other people’s lives. And then there are the souls who suffer. Their suffering is also a Gift, for they will help save the souls of others, and by doing so, will gain the greatest Gift of all – Eternal Life.

Life is given by God, for a reason. It is to give Glory to God and to encourage His children to unite with Him, finally, when life will change. God’s children are being prepared for this change, when finally, the glorious Eternal Life promised to Adam and Eve will become theirs. 

It is important to try and show much love and compassion to each other, just as you would expect to be treated by Me, when I come to Judge. Every day you must ask yourself, for every deed you carry out, would this please God? Am I doing enough to follow God’s Commandments? Am I breaking the Laws of God, and if so, what will the consequences be?

Ignore the needs of others and your needs will be ignored. Hurt any of God’s children with deliberate intent and you will suffer. Kill any of God’s children and you will have no life. Life on Earth, although it can bring much love, joy and hope, is full of trials. Each trial must be faced and you must accept that it is part of God’s plan in the purification of His children.

When you live your life without acknowledging God, you are living life to suit your own desires. When you do not set standards, laid down by God, you will lose your way. If you wander so far away that you cannot find your way back, then you must pray for God’s Grace to help you.

Every single request made to God, if it is for the good of your soul and for the needs of those who you love, is always answered.

Your Jesus

The Warning, while not to be feared, will cause pain in those not in a state of grace

Thursday, June 14th, 2012 @ 18:15

I, your beloved Jesus wish you, My dearly beloved daughter, to ask all of My followers to heed My Instructions.

Look to each member of your own family, those among your midst, who do not follow My Teachings.

Look amongst you for those souls lost to Me, who outwardly reject Me. Then I ask that you pray hard for them at this time.

You must beg for Mercy for their souls. Your prayers and sacrifices can save them from a terrible suffering during the Purification at The Warning.

The Warning, while not to be feared and must be welcomed as My special Gift, will cause pain in those who are not in a state of grace.

Prepare your souls beforehand for healthy souls will find The Warning a Joyous Event.

They will not suffer because they will be in a state of grace, especially if they receive the Sacrament of Confession regularly.

Their strength will help those who must go through the pain of Purgatory after The Warning.

Help those who will not listen through the daily recital of My Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Offer a sacrifice, to Me your Jesus, in reparation for the sins of your families.

I will show Mercy to everyone who accepts the black state of their souls, when they are shown their sins during The Warning.

Only those with genuine humility and a pure heart will be forgiven.

Those, including children who forsake Me,  are in desperate need of your prayers.

Here is the prayer which you must recite for their conversion during The Warning

Crusade Prayer (60) Prayer for conversion of families during The Warning

O dear Sweet Jesus

I beg for Mercy for the souls of my family

(name them here)

I offer you my sufferings, my trials and my prayers to save

Their souls from the spirit of darkness

Let not one of these, Your children denounce You or

Reject Your Hand of Mercy

Open their hearts to entwine with Your Sacred Heart

So that they can seek the forgiveness necessary to save them

From the fires of Hell

Give them the chance to make amends

So that they can be converted with the Rays of Your Divine Mercy.


Children of God, prepare every day for The Warning for it can happen at any time.

Your Jesus