No prophet has been given messages by My Beloved Mother and the Holy Trinity in such abundance.

Monday, June 18th, 2012 @ 20:36

My dearly beloved daughter you must not allow the cruel rejection of My Holy messages by those followers of mine whom you know are especially devoted to My Holy Will to distract you.

Expect this kind of rejection to increase in intensity as My Word will be torn into shreds and discarded as if it is nothing.

The pain of rejection you feel is My pain. The humiliation and ridicule inflicted upon you is My persecution. Instead of allowing such disapproval to hurt you, you must accept it in silence.

Be joyful amidst your tears for you know by now that I have always been rejected even by My own disciples.

If you are to allow rejection of My Word to delay you in spreading My messages then fewer souls will be saved.

Always remember that My greatest desire is to save souls.

My mission must not be sullied by human opinion designed to undermine you.

The words I give you this evening are not to provide comfort but to emphasise the urgency of My warnings to the world.

Many of God’s messengers have come before you, My daughter, to prepare humanity for My Second Coming.

No prophet has been given messages by My Beloved Mother and the Holy Trinity in such abundance.

Only these messages can reveal the secrets of times to come and offer the blessings needed by all of God’s children up to the last day.

Grasp the gift of My Word given to all of humanity to give you life.

Without My help you would find it very difficult to withstand the trials which lie ahead.

All My true messengers are preparing God’s children for the Second Coming.

Know that this will take place during the lifetime of this generation.

Take My Cup, drink from it, let it fill you with the gift of discernment so you can help Me save souls.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: For every step you take to come closer to my Precious Son, you will take two steps backwards

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014 @ 14:51

My children, follow me, the Mother of Salvation, and take my hand as I lead you along the path of Truth to my Son. It will be through my intercession that many of you will find the courage to walk this thorny and stone ridden path to Eternal Salvation.

Dear children, in order to get to know my Son truly, it requires great perseverance. You must open your mind, your heart and your soul, without a trace of doubt or pride, before you will be able to see. When the Truth is revealed to you within your hearts, you must cling to this, for it will be the means by which you will be set free.

For every step you take to come closer to my Precious Son, you will take two steps backwards, because of the way in which the evil one will taunt you. He will never cease to try and pull you away from Christ, for he has made it his vile mission to pull you in the opposite direction. So when you fall along your journey you must pick yourself up again and start all over. For each time you take a backward step, know that everything that Satan influences will always be backwards – the opposite to all that my Son bequeaths to the human race. You will, therefore, require great patience, but once you overcome every hurdle, you will walk more quickly along the path towards my Son. Each setback, when overcome, will make you stronger in your faith. And when your faith becomes strong, nothing will stand in your way to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Go in peace, dear children, and allow me, the Mother of Salvation, to help you to become stronger in your love for Jesus Christ, because without Him you will never find the peace and comfort that you seek in this life or beyond. 

Your loving Mother
Mother of Salvation