Confess your sins now – do not be frightened

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 @ 19:00

My dearly beloved daughter, the help I have sent you will now spread My Word rapidly around the world using modern communications. My Heart is ablaze with the love for My special children who arose to My call, for they are the army who will lead My children.

All My blessings envelop each of those who help carry My Cross for the good of mankind. The Holy Spirit is bestowed on those to enable them to spread these Messages virally and with real impact.

My children, and all My followers, just remember the one thing that I want you to focus on. Warn the others to seek Redemption before The Warning. They must confess their sins now and must not be frightened. Instead, they must rejoice. There are only a few months left for this great Act of My Mercy. Do not waste time. Go in love and peace. Do not flinch in this Work. It is for the good of all My children. All of those who work to spread My Truth will be rewarded for their devotion and faith. My blessings will protect each of them and their families.

Rejoice now, for the time is ripe for the world to finally hear My Voice in the way they should.

Your beloved Saviour
Redeemer and King of all mankind
Jesus Christ

Virgin Mary: So many false religions and false doctrines created out of the imagination of humanity now infest the earth.

Friday, June 29th, 2012 @ 09:20

My child a terrible darkness descends over the world as the apostasy which grips it deepens.

Love for God has been cast aside.

Love for my Son has dwindled and, in its place, is a love of oneself.

Greed and a love of power infests souls everywhere and the pursuit of self-love has been admired and accepted as being the correct way to live your lives.

Children, it is at this time that you must pray to help enlighten those souls who are in the dark.

They do not know the Truth of my Son’s Sacrifice or what His terrible Crucifixion meant.

His Gift of Salvation has been cast aside as if it never happened. Then those who are aware of what His Death on the Cross meant, have decided to look to different false Gods in order to bring them peace. They will never achieve such peace.

Peace of soul can only be brought about through allegiance and prayer to my Son.

Only the pure and humble of heart, who place their full trust in Him, can have eternal life.

So many false religions and false doctrines, created out of the imagination of humanity, now infest the earth.

So many are being guided by dangerous false beliefs that they will lead lost souls to Hell.

The fallen angels are everywhere children. Be on your guard for they will target, especially, all those who honour me, your Beloved Mother, in order to confuse you.

They will prevent you from praying. They will plant constant doubts about the Love of God in your minds.They will distract you with temptations of the senses. It will take much prayer to keep them away. My Rosary is your most important protection.

My Son, at this time, is granting many graces to those who listen, hear and accept His Holy Messages to the world.

He does this to give you strength and perseverance in this mission to save humanity from eternal damnation.

Accept these graces, Children, with love for you are very special to have been chosen to follow Him at this time.

As His Remnant Church on earth you will need the bread of life at all times for you will not find this journey easy.

Here is a special Crusade Prayer to help keep you strong in your mission.

Crusade Prayer (63) Preserve me on this journey

My beloved Mother of Salvation I ask you to pray that
I am given the Food of Life to preserve me on this journey
to help save all of God’s children.
Please help all those who are being deceived by false idols and false gods
to open their eyes to the Truth of your Son’s Death on the Cross
to save every one of God’s children and to bring each one eternal life. Amen

Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

The change in the format of the Mass will soon be presented in My Church.

Saturday, June 29th, 2013 @ 21:13

My dearly beloved daughter, you must ignore the hatred which is spilling out of the mouths of those who claim to be holy people and loyal followers of My dearly beloved Mother. Know that the hatred, which will be shown against you, will be worse than any other prophet, who came before you. I tell you this not to frighten you, but only so that you will accept this fact and then ignore the wickedness. Whenever the Presence of God is made known amongst men, it will always produce a vicious reaction from the beast, who will work through others to deny the Word of God.

My daughter, the change in the format of the Mass will soon be presented in My Church. It will be very confusing and for many, they will fail to see the lies, which will be presented within the new prayers. My Presence will be denounced in the most subtle of ways, but those who follow the new format, in which My True Presence will be denied, will be unable to perform the Sacrifice to God in the way it must be. My daughter, this one revelation will result in your being despised, but you must know that this has been foretold. My followers will be told that Holy Communion is about all people – everywhere – uniting as one, to show love to one another. Slowly, but surely, the Holy Mass will no longer be about My Holy Sacrifice. Instead the ceremony will be created to pay homage to man and you will be misled into witnessing a confrontation before My Holy Altars and all the tabernacles in the world.

The day when the daily sacrifices will cease is not far away. Know that I come to warn you of this now, so that you will not starve. When you are deprived of My Presence, you will be empty of My Spirit and you will find it difficult to remain close to Me.

The words which will be used to deceive you will include the phrase “for the good of all – for the unification of all God’s children.” The Mass will take on a new meaning. Forgotten will be My Death on the Cross and all the reasons for it will be re-defined. Remember on that day, My Words to you now. Accept the substitution and My Presence will disappear. I will be with you, but it will not be My Body which you will partake of.

To those who do not believe in the wicked plan, which has already been created, in order to wipe out all traces of Me, I say this now. When I Am gone, will you seek Me out? When My Holy Eucharist is defiled, will you make excuses for those responsible? Or will you follow Me and listen to the Truth when you are surrounded by lies.

The choice will be yours.

Your Jesus

You must never reject God because of the evil acts of those who falsely claim to serve Him

Sunday, June 29th, 2014 @ 20:20

My dearly beloved daughter, any man who hides behind religion to inflict evil upon people of other religions does not come from Me. Religions which camouflage hatred and demonize other denominations do not serve God. 

When men use Me, Jesus Christ, as a shield to hide behind, in their quest to murder and slaughter innocents, this is the greatest sacrilege. Men, who believe in God, must know Who God is; what He has told the world and how He has instructed His children through the Ten Commandments, in order to serve Him.

God is Love. He does not condone hatred of any kind. If and when you see people using the cloak of religion to inflict pain upon others, for whatever reason, you must know that this has nothing to do with love for God. Hatred comes from Satan and he spreads his venom amongst religious radicals, in order to vent his anger against God. By infiltrating those, who have a distorted understanding as to Who I Am, he succeeds in spreading hatred against God. People will then ask: “How could God permit such evil in His Name?” The answer is that evil will always be found in places where God is revered, because such places are carefully sought out by the evil one, to bring shame to any religion, which honours God. By his actions people will then turn away from God and He will be blamed for every vile act, perpetrated by those who claim to serve Him.

Hatred is careful to disguise itself. It will usually be presented by those who claim to represent God, so as to be seen to bring justice to the enemies of God. It will be seen as the ‘voice of concern’ and its condemnation of what it desires the world to believe as being an evil thing. Churches of different denominations, all over the world, have been infiltrated by God’s enemies from within. The aim is to bring shame upon the Name of My Eternal Father. As a result, there has arisen, in all corners of the world, a deep suspicion and lack of trust in God. The natural assumption is that God’s representatives have instigated evil in His Name and therefore, faith in God is flawed. This is why the world has been plunged into hatred, corruption and wars, because Satan’s plan is to destroy every religion, which honours the True God. Those who cause these evils have no love in their souls.

You must never reject God because of the evil acts of those who falsely claim to serve Him. If you do, and you remove yourself from God because of this, you have fallen for the lies, which Satan wants you to swallow. Never judge others because of their beliefs – good or bad. Never judge My Eternal Father or Me, Jesus Christ, His beloved Son, for the sins that those who serve His Churches commit. Man is, and always will be, a sinner on this Earth. Sin will always be the curse of man, until I come again. But to accuse God of sin is as much a terrible sacrilege as it is impossible.

Wake up to the fact that Satan exists and that he is careful to hide this fact, so that he can fool souls into cursing God, the Creator of all that Is and ever will Be. Soon, all these atrocities will come to an end and all Glory will be Mine. It will not be long before Satan is destroyed and the human race will be able to see clearly Who I Am and the Glorious Life I will bring at My Second Coming. 

You must remain alert to all that is presented in My Holy Name, for you will find that not all comes from Me.

Your Jesus